No, Dark Horse is 100% independent and values-driven. We have no economic relationships with any vendors or resellers, so you can always be sure we are truly aligned with your interests.
Yes! Our model is based on coming in at the last mile. To get started, we typically need 4 hours to review your contract and provide a strategy for moving forward. Engagements usually last between 2 and 10 days, so things move quickly.
Not at all. We come from their side of the table, so we know what they’re thinking about, what they care about, and what they’re willing to gain in exchange for a better price. Plus, you’re always in the driver’s seat. We won’t do anything without your consent.
Most of our clients have great procurement departments. We aren’t here to do their job for them: we simply have intel about vendors they can’t possibly be expected to know.
It is up to you on how we engage in negotiations. Your team members can still drive the negotiations and we’ll be in the background, providing the strategy and insight they need to get the deal done. Or if you prefer, we can speak to a vendor on your behalf.
You’d think companies like Microsoft wouldn’t negotiate. But they do. We regularly save our clients an average of 12% on their Microsoft contracts.
Typically, we help clients realize 10%-40% additional cost savings after the vendor’s “best and final” offer. However, that number has been as high as 75%. It completely depends on the contract. There may be times when we don’t think our involvement will make any meaningful difference to the price. If that’s the case, we will be up-front with that: you’ll get third party validation of your contract without paying a dime.
We have a risk-free pricing model: we charge a percentage of the money we help you save above and beyond the initial “best and final” offer. If you don’t save money, you don’t pay. It’s that simple. However, if you prefer another fee model, we're happy to discuss.
We bring the in-depth knowledge of our Global Advisory Network, made up of 80+ former Sales VPs from all the big software companies, and use that information as leverage to get our clients better value. And we do it in a matter of days. We work behind the scenes, supplying you with the insights and benchmarks you need to make compelling arguments and informed choices.